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Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules, 1996

Název: Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules
Autor: McConnell, Steve
Nakladatel: Microsoft Press
Rok vydání: 1996
Počet stran: 647
Stav: Velmi dobrý
Vazba: brož
Kategorie: Počítače
Kategorie: Angličtina
Digitalizovaná tiráž: wwwwsN E the oments ofths wthour the wihen pemison or the pob Congresskgng in Pobticnon Dan McConnell NTe Rd evelopmentTming Wd Nofwar htues e MEComel. des nde mpter Softa velopment 13 ot Sos Printed and homd in the tnite States of America 860 JAO E 0 2 82 Distributed in--Cenada by H B Fenn and Company Itd. ACIPntalogee record for this book is ailable Trom the Brinh tihran Microsoft Presy books are vailable through booksellers nd Ntriboton morkh o T Hon about intemational editions, contact yoour local Micrwoft Coportion offe oro MAn ntemational directly at fax t25)930-7529. Vihit ou Web she ar www.m oftcom wwwwments to mspinpur@micnmsoft.com ATNT Is registered trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Compny App registered rademarks of Apple Computer, In Boeing a geed tdemark of The Borland and Delphi me registered trademarks of Borland Intemational, Inc MAk Phdemark of Claris Corporation. Dupont s a regntered tndemark of t Du Pon Company Gupta is a registered trademark of Cupta Copomton taaiomtaop Packard is a registered trademark of Hewlett Packand Company ntelsa Corporation HBM is a registered trademark of Intemational ine MachineCpo registered trademark of International Telephone and Telegrph coponon O PowerPesint, Vistal Rasic, Windows, and Windows NTan d tdema demark of Microsoft Copormtion Ponerolt is a respieret mdemark nd w of Powersoft Coporation Raytheon is a reghNtered tademark of Nayhom co wwmpany names mentioned herein may be the tademarks or the iv The example ompanies, organivations, prodoch, domain nm mal and evens depicted herein ane heritions No chtion wilh any alon domain name, mail address, Iogo, penon placs orent h inend ho Aww Acquisiions ditor Divid Chrk Project Editon Inck titewka
299 Kč


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